Category Archives: Science Communication

Tapping social networks to explore biological systems

Bharat Mishra is wrote this post as part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is currently pursuing his PhD in the lab of Dr. Shahid Mukhtar. He earned an undergraduate degree at … Continue reading

Posted in association genetics, bioinformatics, blogging, ecology, evolution, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Yeast 2-Hybrid: Discovering Protein-Protein Interactions from Yeast to West

Thomas Detchemendy wrote this post as part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a PhD student under the mentorship of Dr. Shahid Mukhtar. He is currently studying plant-microbial interactions in efforts to … Continue reading

Posted in adaptation, bioinformatics, blogging, ecology, evolution, hybridization, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Does it pay to be parasitized?

Raven Edwards wrote this post as a project for Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Evolution course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is a Master’s student in Dr. James McClintock’s lab where she is studying the growth of variegated sea urchins. Raven completed … Continue reading

Posted in adaptation, birds, blogging, conservation, ecology, evolution, Science Communication | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Everything About Ant Reproductive Biology is Bizarre

Sam Gregory wrote this post as a project for Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Scientific Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Sam earned a BS in biology and BFA in studio art from Birmingham-Southern College, and is currently pursuing an … Continue reading

Posted in bioinformatics, blogging, Coevolution, ecology, evolution, insects, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Simple tools for mastering color in scientific figures

Call me a procrastinator but I strongly believe that spending time to select a good color scheme can work miracles with a plot, paper, or presentation. In science, it’s generally not expected that you invest time into a thought process … Continue reading

Posted in howto, methods, Science Communication, science publishing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The spirit of Antarctic invasions future?

Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol during a change in how Victorian England viewed the Christmas holiday. It’s clearly not Christmas … and certainly isn’t a jolly time. But, taking some artistic liberty from how Dickens outlined the five chapters of … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, community ecology, comparative phylogeography, conservation, DNA barcoding, ecology, evolution, mini-review, natural history, phylogeography, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bobbing for Bobcats

Catherine Sirgo wrote this post as a part Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Catherine is a Master’s Candidate within Dr. Thane Wibbels’ lab researching conservation for the Mississippi Diamondback Terrapin in Alabama. Catherine earned … Continue reading

Posted in bioinformatics, conservation, demography, ecology, evolution, Science Communication | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The Molecular Ecologist Podcast: #StudentSciComm, diversity within an algae bloom, the origins of a vital mutualism, and population genetics in continuous space

A new episode of The Molecular Ecologist Podcast is now out on The Molecular Ecologist Podcast made it to a second episode! Thanks for listening to our first one, and for all the positive comments. In addition to our “home” … Continue reading

Posted in association genetics, community, community ecology, housekeeping, microbiology, population genetics, Science Communication, TME Podcast | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The Virosphere’s Own Trojan Horse

Melissa Walker wrote this post as a part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Melissa’s research focuses on the interactions between freshwater biofilms and the viruses that infect them. She is currently … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, evolution, genomics, microbiology, natural history, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Digging for Knowledge … and Nematodes

Hannah Oswalt wrote this post as a part Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Hannah is working towards her PhD in Dr. Chuck Amsler’s lab where she is investigating the effects of ocean acidification on macroalgae … Continue reading

Posted in adaptation, bioinformatics, Coevolution, community, ecology, evolution, Science Communication | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment