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Author Archives: Rob Denton
How Molecular Ecologists Work: Catherine Peichel on being the earliest bird and scheduling to take out the trash
Welcome to “How Molecular Ecologists Work”, the interview series that asks scientists how they get stuff done. This week’s interview is from Dr. Catherine Peichel. Katie and her lab have used genomic data from three spine stickleback to make big … Continue reading
How Molecular Ecologists Work: Richard Hamelin on Moving Art and making scientific use of sliced bread
Welcome to “How Molecular Ecologists Work”, the interview series that asks scientists how they get stuff done. This week’s interview is from Dr. Richard Hamelin. Richard and his lab investigate all things tree pathogen, from how to detect them to … Continue reading
How Molecular Ecologists Work returns!
Are you interested in how scientists you admire get stuff done? Do you think that reading about someone else’s productivity is a reasonable–but thinly veiled–excuse to waste ten minutes of your day? Do you enjoy comparing your desk to others’? … Continue reading
The state of debates at the 2018 Society for Systematic Biologists meeting
This is a guest post from Ohio State PhD Candidate Megan Smith On June 1-4, 2018, the Society for Systematic Biologists will host its third annual stand-alone meeting. The meeting will be held in Columbus, OH and will include workshops, … Continue reading
RNA data ruins a tempting just-so story of mutualism between algae and salamanders
Most relationships between animals and microbes interface in one of two locations: on the outside of animal cells (mostly to the benefit of both parties, think gut microbiota) or on the inside of animal cells (mostly to the benefit of … Continue reading
How Molecular Ecologists Work: it's back and we need your help
Molecular Ecologist contributors are hard at work behind the scenes filling out a busy fall of new posts. Part of the renewed push includes a new season of “How Molecular Ecologists Work”, a chance to sit down at the desks … Continue reading
#Evol2017 catch-up: Biome turnover and body size evolution in Australian vertebrates
A week after the closing day of the 2017 Evolution Meetings, the Molecular Ecologists have all dispersed from Portland. Still, the conference was so big that there’s a lot we missed the first time around — many great talks were … Continue reading
Live from #Evol2017 – Monday highlights
A subset of the Molecular Ecologist team is attending this year’s Evolution meeting in Portland, Oregon. As part of our coverage of the meeting, we will recapping the highlights of each day here on the blog, and occasionally previewing upcoming presentations. … Continue reading
Posted in blogging, conferences, evolution
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Tuesday action item: Help thaw the EPA freeze
While the current administration is in office we’re posting small, concrete things you can do to help make things better, every Friday. (And, when it’s urgent, on other days too.) Got a suggestion for an Action Item? E-mail us! This … Continue reading
Free to go but required to stay: contrasting views on mitochondrial relationships
Ever since a bacterium found itself mysteriously engulfed in our eukaryotic ancestor, things have been, uh, complicated regarding our two genomes. One is big, one is small. One is circular, one is linear. One is numerous in each cell, the … Continue reading