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Tag Archives: urbanization
Urban ecology, evolution, and racism
Occasionally, while reading the literature, you stumble across a paper that is so eloquent and beautiful that you are awestruck. Since that happened to me this weekend, today’s post is a call to you to go read the incredible synthesis … Continue reading
Posted in ecology, evolution
Tagged evolutionary ecology, racism, urban evolution, urbanization
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How urbanization might affect the five-second rule
At this point, we know that microbes are everywhere and make up complex communities found all over the place ranging from oceanic hydrothermal vents to lakes, soils, and, yes of course, all over you. It has also become apparent that … Continue reading
Posted in community ecology, microbiology
Tagged biogeography, built environment, human health, microbial communities, microbiome, urbanization
Isolation by Aesop's Fable in NYC mice
The story goes like this: Town Mouse goes to visit his friend in the country. Town Mouse looks down his long nose at the food offered by Country Mouse, so he brings Country Mouse back to the city for a … Continue reading