Tag Archives: bees

Bigger bees bumble by barriers, end up with lower population genetic differentiation

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Bees brought to their knees

As regular readers of TME will have read, this past summer was a whirlwind of sampling in which I took the briefest of holidays in the Southwest of England before attending the European Phycological Congress (read about the congress here and here). … Continue reading

Posted in bioinformatics, Coevolution, evolution, genomics, next generation sequencing | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The genomics of bee sociality

Bee species cover the spectrum of sociality: there are solitary bees, there are eusocial bees – which are divided into facultative eusocial (the ones that can be either solitary or eusocial depending on external cues) and obligate eusocial bees, and … Continue reading

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