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Author Archives: Christine Ewers-Saucedo
How to make the most out of your phylogenetic study
Phylogenetic studies are crucial for ecology and evolution. However, their usefulness for comparative biology or meta-analyses can vary considerably. Especially the inclusion of unidentified species (“Balanus sp.”) obstructs their use in comparative studies. How can I attach life history or morphological data … Continue reading
Posted in data archiving, evolution, howto, phylogenetics, Uncategorized
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The rise of the fruit flies – Can good science communication make or break a model system?
The answer is: probably not. It is probably more important that the organism thrives in a lab environment, reproduces and hybridizes with speed and ease, and has some additional “desirable” features: think visible mutations in the fruit fly Drosophila, constant cell … Continue reading
Posted in evolution, phylogenetics, speciation
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