Support the Molecular Ecologist with all-new evolution and ecology-themed merch!

We don’t often make a big deal about it, but The Molecular Ecologist has long offered merchandise for purchase to help cover our operating expenses, which are chiefly web hosting and small stipends for contributors. The platform we’d used for that was less than ideal, though — and we’ve finally set up shop on Redbubble, which offers a wider range of products at better pricing.

Molecular Ecologist-supporting shirts, images by Redbubble

You can now purchase our “heliboot” logo on a wide array of apparel, mugs, and other accessories, get a poster print of the Molecular Ecology Flowchart, or pick a side in the eternal struggle between genetic drift and natural selection. Prices start at less than $20 for a tee (before shipping and sales tax), and all proceeds benefit the blog — so check out the whole range.

About Jeremy Yoder

Jeremy B. Yoder is an Associate Professor of Biology at California State University Northridge, studying the evolution and coevolution of interacting species, especially mutualists. He is a collaborator with the Joshua Tree Genome Project and the Queer in STEM study of LGBTQ experiences in scientific careers. He has written for the website of Scientific American, the LA Review of Books, the Chronicle of Higher Education, The Awl, and Slate.
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